Saturday 10 December 2011

Changing Column Width and Row Height

pixel is a single point on a computer monitor or printout

The default column width is 8.38 standard-sized characters

Row heights are expressed in points or pixels, where a point is 1⁄72 of an inch

Autofitting eliminates any empty space by matching the column to the width of its longest cell entry or the row 
to the height of its tallest cell entry

Double-click the right border of a column heading or the bottom border of a row heading to AutoFit the 
column or row to the cell contents (or select one or more column or rows, click the Home tab on the Ribbon, 
click the Format button in the Cells group, and then click Auto Fit Column Width or AutoFit Row Height).

Entering Multiple Lines of Text Within a Cell

Click the cell in which you want to enter the text
Type the first line of text
For each additional line of text, press the Alt+Enter keys and then type the text.

Introduction to Excel interface and description

Microsoft Office Excel is a computer program used to enter, analyse, and present quantitative data.

A spreadsheet is a collection of text and numbers laid out in a rectangular grid. Often used in business for budgeting, inventory management, and decision making.

Parts of  Excel 2007 window

Description of Excel window elements
Excel Navigation Keys